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With over 100 million annotated cells, phase 2 of the Single-Cell Data Science Consortium promises to:

Deliver even more professionally harmonized, analysis-ready datasets

Expanded disease and healthy tissue atlases

Leveraging work with foundational single-cell models

Continuously improving ROI

Single Cell Consortium 2

High-quality curated single-cell data offers pharmaceutical companies an opportunity to greatly accelerate insights in drug discovery.

Compiling, curating and standardizing disparate data can be a laborious, error prone and a costly effort without an expertise in data curation.

With member priorities guiding the roadmap and Rancho's data science expertise, this approach allows us to overcome shared challenges and financial constraints to advance drug discovery together!

Deliverables to Date:

  • 850 F.A.I.R datasets and growing:
    Representing over 64M cells

  • 9 Disease and healthy tissue atlases:
    Autoimmune Disease, Healthy Brain, Healthy Tissue, Nervous System

  • Improving ROI: 
    Currently $700 a dataset and dropping
    with each member

  • Single-Cell data model and pipeline

Funded by pharmaceutical companies with common goals and needs in Single-Cell data

New Members Receive:

  • 615 F.A.I.R datasets and 9 data atlases to date worth $1,770,000

  • 75+ additional datasets of your choice for our roadmap

  • Regularly interact with like-minded peers and Rancho's team of
    data curation experts in a pre-competitive environment

  • Single-Cell data model and pipeline

  • Lifetime Data ownership: All data is yours to keep forever!

DNA model with chemical formulas.

What Members Say

“We’ve recently joined Rancho Biosciences’ Single Cell Data Science pre-competitive consortium, to enable us to access a large amount of well-curated scRNA-seq data along with associated high-quality metadata. This harmonized and linked metadata is a powerful tool for data stewardship since it supports all key principles of FAIR data. Incorporating the consortium’s single cell data into our Platform and integrating this new information along with our other data sources will allow us to more readily derive insights into different diseases.

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