Our Categorization Tool is a QC Accelerator that enables data scientists to complete projects with a higher degree of efficiency and accuracy. CAT can drastically reduce time spent on QC, and virtually eliminates human error. CAT’s capabilities include:
The Rancho QC Tool
Automatic Quality Control (QC) Tool:
To enhance QC efficiency and ensure consistent QC output standards, Rancho has developed a tool to support and facilitate tabular data QC and streamline quality control measures for data model alignment. This QC tool will enable users to perform data transformations, generate table summaries, and build logical tests using an RShiny interface. Further details on the tool's functions and features, as well as instructions for use, are documented in Rancho KB.
Benefits of Rancho’s QC Tool:
Clear and user-friendly interface (without coding requirements)
Faster quality assurance and issue resolution
Less effort to achieve compliance
Consistent standards for quality control documentation
High-quality data model and tabular deliverables
Streamlined and repeatable

Our Data Technology and Tool Kits
The Rancho Tool Kit is a collection of processing and analysis code that accelerates analysis, streamlines the QC process, and encourages the development of professional, consistent, and accessible scientific products.
Rancho has been developing content and tools since 2012. Over the years, we generated a lot of in-house technology that we bring to projects and produce high-quality, efficient results for our clients.