Data Integrity

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Rancho BioSciences provides expert data curation services to support biomedical research, drug discovery, and precision medicine.

Data Integrity

Rancho BioSciences supports all aspects of data services around biomedical research, drug discovery, and precision medicine.

Why is Rancho BioSciences different:

  • Expertise: Others crowd source or hire temporary curators while Rancho has a team of experienced, trained Ph.D. and M.D. scientists and curators who get the tools they need to deliver results.

  • Innovation: Rancho Biosciences is committed to staying at the forefront of biomedical data science and technology, with a focus on innovation and continuous improvement, such as supporting emerging AI/ML trends in the industry

  • Quality: delivers high-quality services and data that are accurate, reliable, and relevant, with a focus on quality control and validation. We have a strict QC process that is rigorous and is based on years of our collective experience. We develop QC tools to help us, and we often are called to arbitrate or review what other vendors provided.

  • Flexibility: Rancho Biosciences provides flexible and customized solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of each customer. By collaborating closely with clients to gain a deep understanding of their needs and goals, our team develops fit-for-purpose solutions that are unique to each project. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, and strive to deliver high-quality, customized services that exceed our clients' expectations.

At Rancho BioSciences, we cover nearly all types of Life Sciences data. Our Data Experts have experience in harmonizing, annotating, and enriching variety of data types:

  • Assay data: experimental data generated by various types of laboratory assays, such as biochemical assays, cell-based assays, and high-throughput screening assays including CRISPR screens, Cell Painting assays and other

  • Biomarker data: quantitative measurements of specific molecules or information, such as proteins, genes, metabolites, medical imaging such as MRI or CT scans and others to evaluate anatomical and functional changes in cells or organism

  • Chemical data: chemical structures, chemical properties, and chemical interactions

  • Clinical data: clinical data from clinical trials, biobanks, and other sources, including patient demographics, diagnoses, procedures, and medications

  • Genomic data: DNA sequencing data, gene expression data, and genomic variations

  • Imaging data: medical and R&D imaging data, including radiology images, MRI scans, and other types of imaging data used in clinical practice or research

  • Manufacturing data: information generated during the process of designing, producing, testing, and packaging pharmaceutical products

Life sciences data image for curation section
  • Omics data: large-scale datasets generated by high-throughput technologies in various areas of the life sciences, such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and transcriptomics

  • Pathway data: data on biochemical and molecular interactions in biological pathways, protein-protein interactions

  • Pharmacological data: drug targets, drug interactions, and drug metabolism (ADME, PK/PD, toxicity, metabolomics, and others.)

  • Real World data: information collected in non-experimental, everyday settings including patient medical records, insurance claims data, electronic health records, pharmacy records, and data collected from wearable devices

  • Toxicology data: findings from studies that investigate adverse effects of substances—such as chemicals, drugs, and environmental pollutants—on living organisms and ecosystems which is crucial for understanding the safety and risks of using these substances

  • Other types of life science data: environmental data, microbiology, etc.

Rancho Biosciences uses automated and manual services:

  • AI/ML/NLP Development and Application:

    • Rancho BioSciences prepares high quality machine-readable datasets for training of your AI/ML algorithms.
    • Rancho BioSciences validates performance of AI/ML algorithms to ensure accuracy and reliability.
    • Ranchos BioSciences team can identify relevant entities and attributes of data that are important for training and optimizing these algorithms.
  • Data Harmonization: This involves identifying and resolving differences in data formats, structures, and semantics between different data sources, and creating a common data model that allows for easy integration and analysis of the data.

  • Aligning Data to CDISC (SDTM, SEND and other domains), OMOP and other standard data models.

  • Quality Assurance: ensuring integrity of data delivered by other vendors.

    • Rancho Biosciences scientists are life science domain experts who help to guide AI/ML development and data interpretation.
  • Terminology Services:

    • Semantic Data Integration: Rancho Biosciences can integrate heterogeneous data sources using semantic technologies and standards.
    • Customized Terminology and Ontology Services: Rancho BioSciences can develop customized terminology and ontology services to meet the specific needs of clients, such as building a custom ontology for a specific project or application.
    • Nomenclature Mapping and Cross-Referencing: Rancho Biosciences can map and cross-reference data to standard nomenclatures, such as LOINC, medDRA or SNOMED, to ensure consistency and interoperability.
    • Training and Support Services: Rancho Biosciences can provide training and support services for clients to help them understand and effectively use biomedical terminologies and ontologies in their research or clinical practice.
    • Data Enrichment: Rancho Biosciences can enrich data with additional information, such as synonyms, cross-references, and metadata, to improve data quality and usability.

Our team at Rancho BioSciences has developed robust and reproducible workflows that utilize both automated and manual approaches. These workflows are designed to ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and of the highest quality. The team has extensive experience with various types of data, and their expertise allows them to tailor their workflows to the specific needs of each project.

What discoveries are hiding in your data

We specialize in helping life science companies of all sizes discover what's hidden in their data. Let's chat about how our PhD subject matter expert can help streamline processes, reduce costs, and make discoveries!